Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Baby talk..

So my son will be 8 months on the 14th of this month. He's growing so fast its insane! He crawls, stands, & even walks if he holds on to stuff. I was speaking to my husband the other day about the stuff that he'll need now that he's getting older. Why is the list crazy long?! Holy Crap. I guess i never realize exactly how much babies need. Here's some of the stuff that we came up with :

  • Baby sit in walker
  • High Chair
  • Every safety baby item known to man (seriously though this boy is ACTIVE!)
  • Gates for the hallways
  • Interactive toys
  • Sit to stand walker
I ordered most of the items & they should arrive on Thursday, HOPEFULLY. I'm not even going to discuss how much was spent.Let me just make this clear though; babies in general are expensive. A spoiled baby is 10x some point splurging on $900 shoes ain't so easy anymore.When my son was 1st born i was like "what are people taking about babies aren't that expensive." Few months later i was singing a completely different song. Babies grow so fast which means new diapers, new clothes, new shoes, & more food (formula, cereal, baby food etc.).Anyways point is i  will not be getting another baby for a minute despite the constant coaxing from people (ie. my husband & mom). Don't get me wrong i want more kids, & babies are precious but i have a lot of stuff that i want to accomplish in the near future. Moreover, I want my kids to have a good life & a good education like i had & i want to be able to provide each one the same treatment i provided the next w/o cutting corners to do so. On that note why are private schools & good day cares so expensive? Jah!

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